Urban | Art | Exploration

In 2017, I learned about "Hors Lits" from performance artist Pascale Ciapp, whose work I greatly admire, during somom's art residency in France. Inspired by this, I wanted to introduce the format to Austria. Together with Stephanie Schmiderer, we organized Hors Lits 1-7 and further developed the concept into SALONPARCOURS Wien. As the format evolved, our artistic visions diverged, and in 2023, we amicably parted ways to pursue our individual focuses—mine continuing SALONPARCOURS as a contemporary format.
Team 2024:
hostess, artistic director, curator, organizer: Katrin Woelger 
co-curator, assistant, video: Johanna W. Olivier
photos: Nick Mangafas
SP 23, May 10+11 in Innerfavoriten
guests: Lola Pfeifer, Bryan Benner, Aydan & Muhammed Özcan, Cilli & Fani Raab, Regina Anzenberger
SP 24, June 7+8 19:30 in Brigittenau 
SP 25, July 13+14 in Kaisermühlen
SP 26, September 21+22 in Floridsdorf

guides Alice Erik Moe & Katrin Woelger @ SP25, Foto: Nick Mangafas  

Info: www.salonparcours.at
photos: https://www.salonparcours.at/gallery

2024 supported by BMKOES, MA7, districts 21 + 22, Weingut Polczer